Annual Fee

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This yearly fee is due in the first week of January for every year you are a part of our artist community. Think of this as your show fee. We use this to secure our location for the FOUR shows you are guaranteed admittance at every year.

After you press the button here, head to your cart to checkout!

Click here to add Annual Fee to Cart

This yearly fee is due in the first week of January for every year you are a part of our artist community. Think of this as your show fee. We use this to secure our location for the FOUR shows you are guaranteed admittance at every year.

After you press the button here, head to your cart to checkout!

This yearly fee is due in the first week of January for every year you are a part of our artist community. Think of this as your show fee. We use this to secure our location for the FOUR shows you are guaranteed admittance at every year.

After you press the button here, head to your cart to checkout!


Photography Session (Optional)

This optional service provides a way for artists to hire Vakti Gallery to photograph their art. These photographs will be perfect for listing art online! If you have your own photos, feel free to use them!